What's your general attitude to health?
I'm pretty healthy. People think that I live a rock'n'roll lifestyle, but I've either missed doing all that stuff or I've done it and can't remember.
Have you ever spent a night in hospital?
No, not a full one. I crashed a BMW into a wall when I was in the Smiths, even though I couldn't actually drive at the time. I did my back and neck in pretty badly but checked out after a few hours. I wore a neck brace - Morrissey was very envious.
What exercise do you take?
I got into running in the early 90s. Now, wherever I am in the world, I just put on my hoodie and run for 20 miles.
How do you relax?
By staying up too late watching nonsense on YouTube.
How much do you drink?
I've had no interest in alcohol for the past 10 years. We had quite a dark time with the Smiths when there was a lot of drink. But we were recording The Queen Is Dead, and it turned out great, so I can't be too evangelical.
What's your attitude to smoking?
I used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day. It took me about three attempts to stop - and it was tortuous, to say the least.
And drugs?
I don't have any problem at all with psychedelics - they seem to unlock creativity. I really don't like being around people who are on cocaine, though. They just seem stupid.
Do you worry about your weight?
Not at all. I became a vegan in 1985 when the Smiths were making the album Meat is Murder and I figured that it wasn't very cool eating meat.
Is sex important to you?
Yes. Life would be easier for some people if it wasn't such a big deal. My wife and I have been together since we were kids, since 1979. We both feel pretty lucky. I'm not an idiot; I know when I'm on to a good thing.
Are you happy?
I work on it. As a teenager I had a lot of things on a checklist that I feel blessed that I've achieved, such as: get to play with your heroes, be in a really important band, stay up for days ... But what's next? Either sit around listening to your old records, which doesn't interest me, or carry on travelling without a map. I have a compulsion to move forward. It's the only way to live.